Are you planning to expand your operation into the digital world this year? More and more businesses realize the advantages with digital tools for fire safety design, and with a growing number of BIM regulations underway a BIM strategy could be the next step for you. Below we have gathered tips and tricks on how to get started!
1. Evaluate and make an inventory of your organisation
What kind of organisation do you have; smaller or bigger, lots of resources or stretched thin? What competences do your employees already have and what new skills do you need to invest in? These questions, among others, are great to answer before you start sketching on your strategy. This way you will know both your strengths and your weak spots before starting your digital journey and can adjust for them accordingly.
2. Set up measurable goals and specific activities
By setting up clear, measurable goals and specific objectives and activities it is easier to follow up on your strategy and evaluate as you go. By having objectives and goals to lean on it will be easier to present and evaluate your digital journey to colleagues and management, while also having more material at hand when looking on ROI and future investments.
3. Turn your BIM strategy into BIM practice
The most important step is to make sure that your organisation put your BIM skills into practice. Your strategy needs to be more than a document on a shelf collecting dust. This is also the only way to know if your strategy is right for you. And the more your organisation uses BIM, the more your employees will be comfortable with the tools and grow into their new rolls and competencies. Make sure to making it a habit to include BIM in you offer to future clients and check in with us at Bimfire if you ever need any guidance. We have support and learning resources which you can find here.
Good luck with your strategies!
Bimfire Tools
With Bimfire Tools the fire safety designer can step into a BIM work process. This way the fire safety designer can work with visual models while also having real time data from the architect and other parts of the design team. Do you want to know more about BIM? Get in touch!