This guide goes through how BFT Template use the project browser, and why it’s built as it is.

When creating a structure with the project browser there are no right or wrong, but it can differ from country and country. The main purpose is to have a structure.


Working as an engineer is quite forgiving compared to i.e., an Architect. Engineers don’t need to have as many different views as the other stakeholders.


This guide will use the template from winter release 2022.

The project browser is like a folder inside the project and has 7 main groups. There are more that will appear in the project browser, but those groups have yet to concern the engineers that uses BFT.

    • Views

    • Legends

    • Schedules

    • Sheets

    • Families

    • Groups

    • Revit Links

When any new view is created, whether it’s a 3D view, section, floor plan etc it will automatically go under “New Views – New Views.

This is so the user knows where the view will appear when creating a new view. Those views should be moved, or if they are deleted it won’t affect the project drawing.

Kind of a “dumping site” of temporary views.

To move views from this “folder”, all views have two parameters to control this in the BFT template.



Browser Group is the top “folder”, while Browser Sub are the second “folder”.

These two parameters are text parameters, meaning it’s possible to either use the drop-down list in the parameter, which contains a set of pre-set values that can be used. Or simply write a custom value. All pre-set values are in English, so if local adaptation is required just write the value.

E.g. RiBr for Norway

In the template there are several view templates which control the visibility/graphic override on the views, but some of them also control the placement in the project browser.

For instance when using “Fire_ViewsForSheets”, it moves the view to 99-1 ViewsForSheet, and subgroup Scale.

To check whether a View template controls the placement in project browser just look at the parameters BrowserGroup/Sub. Both parameters’ values are greyed out, meaning it is not possible to change from Instance parameters.

Open View Templates by click on the box in properties.

In the bottom of the right side, View Properties, both BrowserGroup and BrowserSub are found. To change the project browser with all views connected to the view template, just write a new value in the parameter, i.e., change SCALE to 1-100.

Or, to turn off that the view template controls the project browser placement, exclude those two parameters from the view template, see View Range in the View Properties list.

The idea is that the views to be put on the titleblocks are located under Views for sheets.


This means that all other views from the project can be deleted, and the project would still have all views that are placed on sheets left. And the project could be “cleaned” structured.

To create a set of views that all the users can use, and change what to see, what line weights all categories is using, view filters etc. Create a new set of views under View → Plan views.

All the new views created can be found in the project browser under NEW VIEWS -> NEW VIEWS.

There is a View template that is called Fire_Work Views. This automatically moves the view to a “folder” called Work views.

With these views the user can basically do anything, just remember. Deleting a component in these views will delete them from the model. Meaning, it will disappear from the Views placed on sheets as well. Read more about Annotation tab about View specific components.

In the BFT template there are a few other View Templates that will move Views in the project browser, most are connected for checks, i.e. Modified&Deleted, FireRating …

Open the View template list under View → View Templates → Manage View Templates and check.

When delivering a model to the other stakeholders, delete all views except those views that are placed on sheets.


Delete as well all sheets that are not used in the project, such as sketches etc.

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