Legend Tool

The legend tool will automatically check what is visible in the selected views and add them to the legend view. The layout of the legend view will follow the template view selected.


Revit 2020-2021: The tool will filter all Fire Alarm Devices and Generic Models and list in the symbol legend. 


Revit 2022-: The tool will filter following categories: Audio Visual Devices, Electrical Equipment, Fire Alarm Devices, Fire Protection, Generic Models, Mechanical Equipment, Security Devices, Signage and Speciality Equipment and list in the symbol legend.


For Generic Models(Revit 2020-2021) or Fire Protection (Revit 2022-) it will find all that start with Fire_FireCompartmentation….


When adding symbols to the list, it will always start with adding compartmentation for walls (Generic Models for Revit 2020-2021, Fire Protection for Revit 2022-) then list the rest of the symbols in no certain order.


The template to be used needs to contain three things.

    • A Title that is a Detail Group, this is necessary for creating a “coordination system” in the Legend view.

    • A Legend component and a text so the tool knows where it should place the symbols and where it should place the description for that component.

    • The description it adds to the Symbol legend reads from Type parameter Fire_Info (Revit 2020-2021) or Description (Revit 2022-).

A Fire_LegendTemplate exist inside the included FSE-template.


There are three ways to create a legend view.

1. Selecting a template legend to create the other legends from

2. a) From current view (needs to be a Floor or Area plan).

     b) Entire project, this will create a legend for all components in the projekt

     c) Selecting Floor Plans / Area Plans to create individual legends for each view


The legends created will have the View name – Legend, seen as here.

Note: To change the placement of symbols / text.

Change the Fire_LegendTemplate and update the legends. Because if the individual legends are changed, and then the Update tool are used all changes will disappear and be reset to the Leged template layout.

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